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27/04/2021 press-release

Using advanced AI technologies to improve manufacturing

In November 2020, the AI-PROFICIENT (Artificial Intelligence for improved PROduction efFICIEncy, quality and maiNTenance) project started. AI-PROFICIENT, is a new funded project by the European Commission, under Horizon 2020, aspiring to integrate advanced AI technologies with manufacturing ones, in order to improve production planning and execution, and facilitate the collaboration between humans and machines.

AI-PROFICIENT intends to identify the effective means for human-machine interaction and increase the positive impact of AI technology on the manufacturing process as a whole. In fact, the project plans to enable event identification and prediction, operation scenarios simulation, transparent decision and optimal control, along with personalized shop-floor assistance, while respecting the safety and security requirements and following the ethical principles in accordance with High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) guidelines.

The AI-PROFICIENT project is a collaboration between 10 partners in 7 countries:

Université de Lorraine (France) that is coordinating the project,Continental France SNC (France), Fundación Tekniker (Spain), INEOS Group (UK), TenForce (Belgium), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland), Inos Hellas S.A.(Greece), Ibermática S.A. (Spain), Institute Mihajlo Pupin (Serbia), and Athens Technology Centre S.A (Greece).