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Human-machine interaction & feedback mechanisms

In the Deliverable ‘D4.1: Human-machine interaction and feedback mechanisms (Design and specification)Izaskun Fernandez (TEK), Kerman Lopez de Calle (TEK), Pedro de la Peña (IBE), Laritza Limia Fernande (IBE), Alexander Vasylchenko (TF), Julien Hintenoch (CONTI), Christophe Van Loock (INEOS), Katarina Stanković (IMP), Dea Pujić (IMP), Vasillis Spais (INOS), Marc Anderson (UL-ethics), Alexandre Voisin (UL), and George Triantafyllou (ATC), present different mechanisms that could be used for human-feedback management and elaborate on how they will be used in the context of AI-PROFICIENT project, for AI models reinforcement purposes, detailing the concrete design for the different use cases.

In specific, the authors aim to gather from plant operators sitting in the control rooms, to workers on the shop floor, ‘by calling upon the know-how and expertise of the operators and process engineers of the industrial partners, to improve AI services’ in the context of the project.

Last but not least, as part of the solutions of the use cases, in the current deliverable the AI-PROFICIENT team will highlight the methods of human-machine interaction and collaboration, and self-learning, which will be used.

Read the Deliverable here.