AI-PROFICIENT PhD students at the doctoral symposium of the 7th European Conference of the PHM Society in Turin, Italy, 6-8 July 2022
The 7th European Conference of the PHM Society will be held from July 6th to July 8th, which will finally be a face-to-face event in Turin, Italy.
The conference highlights broad aspects of Prognostics and Health Management across all disciplines, technologies, and levels, including a good mix of academia and industrial participants.
The Conference includes many topics that interact with AI-PROFICIENT objectives.
Alaaeddine CHAOUB and Thai NGUYEN from Université de Lorraine will present their PhD work at the doctoral symposium of PHME22.
It is also worthy to notice the Data challenge competition, where different teams across Europe compete to achieve the best prognostic performance. AI-PROFICIENT partner Fundación Tekniker has been participating in this conference since 2010 and last year won the first price with their approach “Divide, propagate & conquer”.