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AI-PROFICIENT’s Impactful Journey: Validation Analysis of Demonstration Scenarios and Insights from Manufacturing Innovation

In the dynamic landscape of AI integration into manufacturing processes, AI-PROFICIENT continues to push boundaries. Deliverable D6.2 Validation analysis of demonstration scenarios, sheds light on the crucial aspect of use case validation and evaluation.

As authors Alexander Voisin (UL), Kerman Lopez de Calle (TEK), Sirpa Kallio (VTT), Christophe Van Loock (INEOS), Regis Benzmuller (CONTI), Katarina Stanković (IMP), Dea Pujić (IMP), Vasillis Spais (INOS), Karen Fort (UL) and Marc Anderson (UL) point out, within the scope of ‘T6.2 Use case validation analysis and reporting’, the primary goal is to gather and analyse data generated from demonstration tasks and scenarios. This process follows the methodology established in Task 6.1, ensuring a systematic approach to data collection and evaluation. The focus is on manufacturing assets, plant operators, and personnel, with the ultimate aim of creating a comprehensive validation report that highlights the on-site outcomes achieved by AI-PROFICIENT.

The validation process involves a meticulous evaluation of the developments made in previous work packages. The objective is to compare the production performance of pilot sites both before and after the implementation of AI-PROFICIENT. This comparative analysis serves as a crucial measure of the project’s impact on the manufacturing processes it seeks to enhance.

Deliverable D6.2 goes beyond data analysis and validation by including documentation on best practices. These insights, derived from the project’s experiences, are invaluable. The identified dissemination means and exploitation channels in WP7 will be used to share these best practices widely.

Read the full Deliverable here.