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Data Week 2022 “Towards an innovative, trusted and fair European data economy”, Hybrid Event, 24 May – 9 June 2022

Data Week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data and Data Driven AI research and innovation communities. Data Week 2022 will take place during a period of 3 weeks. The event weeks include local events organized by the BDVA i-Spaces and international online sessions/workshops by the community, running until June 3rd. Finally, Data Week culminates at the 2-day physical event on June 8th and 9th in Naples, Italy, where the major topics discussed throughout the event weeks will be tackled through keynotes, panels, round tables and presentations by experts.

Data Week is co-organised by Big Data Value Association, where AI-PROFICIENT partners Fundación Tekniker and Institute Mihajlo Pupin are full members. The week includes specific sessions on AI and data quality challenges in industry and manufacturing sectors.

The agenda is available here.

For more information about the speakers click here.

Fundación Tekniker will also participate to the Data Week 2022 Associated Event TRUSTS workshop: Data Spaces & Semantic Interoperability in Vienna, Austria, on 3rd of June 2022. This one-day workshop brings together researchers, decision makers and practitioners in the field of the development and operation of European data spaces, data markets and other web-based data management systems that allow data sharing, trading and data collaboration, to discuss requirements, standards, tools, licenses and more regarding (semantic data) interoperability in data spaces.