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Revolutionizing Industry 4.0: A New Approach to AI Ethics in Heavy Industry

In the article ‘From the ground up: developing a practical ethical methodology for integrating AI into industry’ the AI-PROFICIENT team presents the ethical issues related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the heavy industry. This approach was actually developed based on the work done within the Use Cases of our project.

In specific, Marc M. Anderson & Karën Fort talk about Industry 4.0 and the problems that come with it. They suggest a new way to categorize heavy industry that takes into account practical and ethical concerns. Furthermore, they provide an overview of current and possible AI ethics approaches in the industry. They argue that the existing approaches that focus on general principles, may not be suitable for addressing AI ethical issues.

In addition, they outline their approach in 2 sections:

  • The first suggests tailoring ethics to the time and space situation of the shop floor level worker from the ground up, including giving specific and evolving ethical recommendations.
  • The second describes the ethicist’s role as an ethical supervisor immersed in the development process and interpreting between industrial and technological (tech) development partners.

You can read the full article here.