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Maximising Impact: Unveiling the AI-PROFICIENT Project Identity and Web Presence

In the dynamic landscape of AI and innovation, the AI-PROFICIENT project recognizes the significance of a strong identity and digital presence. Deliverable D7.6, a public document of the project under WP7, Task T7.2, sheds light on the evolution and enhancement of AI-PROFICIENT’s identity and web presence.

What Remains Consistent:

The document reaffirms the essential elements of AI-PROFICIENT’s identity, providing guidelines on its utilisation and serving as a wellspring of inspiration for building a brand that resonates. D7.6, in conjunction with D7.1, articulates the project’s approach to designing the visual identity, encompassing elements such as the project logo, color scheme, BTS process, trademarks, typography, and templates. Adhering to these guidelines ensures consistency in content creation.

Updates in Web Structure and Social Media:

Noteworthy updates include a revamped website structure with added pages to enhance the user experience. Social media platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn, have been diligently updated to reflect the latest project information. Publicity materials, such as the promotional video, info-pack, and project brochure, have also undergone updates to align with the project’s evolving narrative.

New Additions:

D7.6 introduces several deliverables within WP7 as topics, each accompanied by a brief description and links to the website. These additions encompass publications, factsheets (Version 2 and 3), news, events, an interactive quiz, and a dedicated YouTube channel. Consortium members can access a comprehensive “Project Identity Kit,” ensuring graphic coherence across digital and physical formats.

Holistic Approach to Project Identity:

The creation of a distinctive project identity, portrayed through a cohesive graphic line, has been a multifaceted endeavor. Internally, this identity is reflected in reporting, while externally, it fosters viewer engagement. Detailed explanations on the logo, website, templates, and brochure are provided, outlining the meticulous design process.

Collaborative Dissemination Efforts:

Deliverable D7.6 encapsulates the collaborative efforts of WP7 partners in crafting an appealing project identity, establishing a robust web presence, and creating effective communication materials. The document emphasizes the collaborative creation of dissemination deliverables, ensuring the latest updates from each use case are incorporated.

Impact Maximisation and Visibility:

With a focus on successful branding and visibility, the document outlines actions such as news promotion, event coverage, infographics, and videos. Sections on communication/dissemination Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide a quantitative overview of the project’s success in engaging stakeholders and maximising impact.

Read the full Deliverable here.