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User Perspectives Unveiled: AI-PROFICIENT’s Final Assessment in Use Case Evaluation

In the Deliverable D6.3 ‘User experience evaluation (final version)’, Regis Benzmuller (CONTI), Alexander Vasylchenko (TF), Christophe Van Loock (INEOS), Vasillis Spais (INOS), Giorgos Triantafyllou (ATC), and Alexandre Voisin (UL) mark the culmination of AI-PROFICIENT’s journey within WP6, focusing on “Use Case Evaluation and Ethical Considerations,” particularly T6.3: Qualitative Evaluation of User Experience and Feedback. This final iteration aims to encapsulate the user experience and feedback from the deployment of AI-PROFICIENT services in various use cases. The methodology, outlined in D6.6 (AI-PROFICIENT Validation Methodology), provides a structured approach to this assessment.

The pivotal conclusion drawn from this task, detailed extensively in the deliverable, underscores the positive evaluations from industrial partners Ineos and Continental. Both entities express satisfaction with the quality of AI algorithms tailored to their specific use cases and commend the effectiveness of the interfaces conveying AI results to end-users.

Notably, these evaluations are based on a limited assessment period, particularly at Continental, where use cases experienced a delayed deployment until October 2023. This report acknowledges the need for further evaluation in the months ahead to comprehensively gauge the long-term impact of AI-PROFICIENT’s interventions.

Read the full Deliverable here.